Mukul Sahgal and A C Sahgal Solutions for Exercise 3: EXERCISES
Mukul Sahgal Science Solutions for Exercise - Mukul Sahgal and A C Sahgal Solutions for Exercise 3: EXERCISES
Attempt the practice questions from Exercise 3: EXERCISES with hints and solutions to strengthen your understanding. Living Science 7 solutions are prepared by Experienced Embibe Experts.
Questions from Mukul Sahgal and A C Sahgal Solutions for Exercise 3: EXERCISES with Hints & Solutions
The white hard substance that covers the teeth is called _____. (enamel/pulp)

The semi-digested food that is chewed again by ruminants is called _____.

Briefly explain the process of digestion in ruminants.

Which food do you think will take a longer time to get digested- sugar or beans (beans contain a lot of proteins)?

Digestion needs the help of two or more systems in the body to provide energy from food. Which are these systems and how do they help?

If you eat food while hanging upside down, do you think it will still go through the alimentary canal? Give reasons.

We can see many overweight people but very few overweight animals. What do you think this is so?

Tinto loves to eat junk food. He is overweight. His friend Ayesha is very worried. She constantly advises him to cut down on junk food and eat more fruits and vegetables. Do you think she is right? What values does she show?