Mukul Sahgal and A C Sahgal Solutions for Exercise 4: EXERCISES
Mukul Sahgal Science Solutions for Exercise - Mukul Sahgal and A C Sahgal Solutions for Exercise 4: EXERCISES
Attempt the free practice questions from Exercise 4: EXERCISES with hints and solutions to strengthen your understanding. Living Science 7 solutions are prepared by Experienced Embibe Experts.
Questions from Mukul Sahgal and A C Sahgal Solutions for Exercise 4: EXERCISES with Hints & Solutions
Which of the following are the tiny filtering units of the kidney?

In the heart, which of these two chambers have thicker walls? (auricles/ventricles)

You do not fall ill every time harmful bacteria enter your body because certain cells in the body can kill the bacteria. Name the cells.

The solid part of blood is called plasma.

Haemoglobin combines with oxygen to form carboxyhaemoglobin.

Veins connect arteries with capillaries.

The only function of sweat is the excretion of waste products from the body.

Name the tiny filtering tubes present in the kidneys. (Proximal convoluted tubules/Nephrons)