M L Aggarwal Solutions for Exercise 3: Chapter Test
M L Aggarwal Mathematics Solutions for Exercise - M L Aggarwal Solutions for Exercise 3: Chapter Test
Attempt the free practice questions from Exercise 3: Chapter Test with hints and solutions to strengthen your understanding. Understanding ICSE Mathematics Class 10 solutions are prepared by Experienced Embibe Experts.
Questions from M L Aggarwal Solutions for Exercise 3: Chapter Test with Hints & Solutions
Using ruler and compasses only, construct a triangle having given , and . Measure side . Draw the circumcircle of the triangle.

Using ruler and compasses only, construct an equilateral triangle of height and draw its circumcircle.

Using a ruler and compasses only, construct a triangle with the following data: and .

Using a ruler and compasses only, construct a triangle with the following data: and . Draw the inscribed circle to drawn in part.

Draw a triangle , given that and that radius of the circumcircle of is .

Draw a regular hexagon of side. Construct its circumcircle and measure its radius.

Construct a triangle with the following data: and . Find a point which is equidistant from and and is from . How many such points are there?

Construct a triangle ABC with the following data AB = 5 cm, BC = 6 cm and ÐABC = 90°. Construct the c of DABC .