Maharashtra Board Solutions for Chapter: Conic Sections, Exercise 1: EXERCISE 7.1
Maharashtra Board Mathematics Solutions for Exercise - Maharashtra Board Solutions for Chapter: Conic Sections, Exercise 1: EXERCISE 7.1
Attempt the practice questions on Chapter 7: Conic Sections, Exercise 1: EXERCISE 7.1 with hints and solutions to strengthen your understanding. Mathematics and Statistics (Arts & Science) Part 1 solutions are prepared by Experienced Embibe Experts.
Questions from Maharashtra Board Solutions for Chapter: Conic Sections, Exercise 1: EXERCISE 7.1 with Hints & Solutions
Find the focal distance of a point on the parabola whose ordinate is times the abscissa.

For the parabola , find the coordinate of the point whose focal distance is .

Find the equation of the tangent to the parabola from the point

Find the equation of the tangent to the parabola from the point

Two tangents to the parabola meet the tangents at the vertex in the point and If prove that the equation of the locus of the point of intersection of two tangent is

Find the equation of the common tangent to the parabola and .

The tower of a bridge, hung in the form of a parabola have their tops meters above the roadway and are meters apart. If the cable is meters above the road way at the centre of the bridge, find the length of the vertical supporting cable from the centre.

A circle whose centre is , passes through the focus of the parabola . Show that the circle touches the directrix of the parabola.