Mary Jones and Geoff Jones Solutions for Chapter: Transport in Animals, Exercise 6: Exercise 9.6

Author:Mary Jones & Geoff Jones

Mary Jones Biology Solutions for Exercise - Mary Jones and Geoff Jones Solutions for Chapter: Transport in Animals, Exercise 6: Exercise 9.6

Attempt the free practice questions on Chapter 9: Transport in Animals, Exercise 6: Exercise 9.6 with hints and solutions to strengthen your understanding. Biology for Cambridge IGCSE Workbook 4 th Edition Digital Access solutions are prepared by Experienced Embibe Experts.

Questions from Mary Jones and Geoff Jones Solutions for Chapter: Transport in Animals, Exercise 6: Exercise 9.6 with Hints & Solutions

Upper Secondary-IGCSE

Arteries carry blood at high pressure, while veins carry blood at low pressure. Explain how their structures are related to these functions.