Mary Jones and Geoff Jones Solutions for Chapter: Movement in and Out of Cells, Exercise 5: End-of-chapter questions
Mary Jones Biology Solutions for Exercise - Mary Jones and Geoff Jones Solutions for Chapter: Movement in and Out of Cells, Exercise 5: End-of-chapter questions
Attempt the practice questions on Chapter 3: Movement in and Out of Cells, Exercise 5: End-of-chapter questions with hints and solutions to strengthen your understanding. Cambridge IGCSE® Biology Coursebook Third Edition solutions are prepared by Experienced Embibe Experts.
Questions from Mary Jones and Geoff Jones Solutions for Chapter: Movement in and Out of Cells, Exercise 5: End-of-chapter questions with Hints & Solutions
When a plant cell is placed in a concentrated sugar solution, water moves out of the cell by osmosis, through the partially permeable cell wall.

Animal cells plasmolyse in a concentrated sugar solution.

Explain why diffusion happens faster when the temperature rises.

Explain why Oxygen diffuses out of a plant leaf during daylight hours.

Explain why water molecules can pass through visking tubing, but starch molecules cannot.

Explain why an animal cell bursts if placed in pure water.

If a plant is short of water, its leaves lose their firmness and the plants wilts.

Define diffusion.