Monicaa Abhijit Solutions for Chapter: Mensuration-I (Plane Figures), Exercise 4: REVIEW EXERCISES
Monicaa Abhijit Mathematics Solutions for Exercise - Monicaa Abhijit Solutions for Chapter: Mensuration-I (Plane Figures), Exercise 4: REVIEW EXERCISES
Attempt the practice questions on Chapter 17: Mensuration-I (Plane Figures), Exercise 4: REVIEW EXERCISES with hints and solutions to strengthen your understanding. START UP MATHEMATICS solutions are prepared by Experienced Embibe Experts.
Questions from Monicaa Abhijit Solutions for Chapter: Mensuration-I (Plane Figures), Exercise 4: REVIEW EXERCISES with Hints & Solutions
Area of an equilateral triangle____________.

A square room is surrounded by a verandah of width. The area of the verandah is . Find the area of the room.

A rhombus of area has one its diagonal of . Find the other diagonal and the side of the rhombus.

In a trapezium, parallel sides are and respectively and non-parallel sides are and respectively. Find its area.

A path all around the inside of a rectangular park by occupies an area of . Find the width of the path.

The area of a rectangular plot is times its breadth. If the difference between the length and breadth is what is its breadth?

In the given figure, find the area of each section if the width of each section is same.

Find the are of the hexagon if and