NCERT Solutions for Chapter: Breathing and Exchange of Gases, Exercise 2: VERY SHORT ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS
NCERT Biology Solutions for Exercise - NCERT Solutions for Chapter: Breathing and Exchange of Gases, Exercise 2: VERY SHORT ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS
Attempt the practice questions on Chapter 17: Breathing and Exchange of Gases, Exercise 2: VERY SHORT ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS with hints and solutions to strengthen your understanding. NCERT Exemplar Biology - Class 11 solutions are prepared by Experienced Embibe Experts.
Questions from NCERT Solutions for Chapter: Breathing and Exchange of Gases, Exercise 2: VERY SHORT ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS with Hints & Solutions
Inspiratory Capacity (IC) = _____ + IRV (Answer the abbreviation)

Complete the missing term.
_____ = TV + ERV (Write the full name)

Functional Residual Capacity (FRC) = ERV + _____

Name the organs of respiration in Flatworm, whether it is skin or gills.

Name the organs of respiration in Birds, whether these are lungs or gills.

Name the respiratory organs in the frog.

Name the organ of respiration in cockroach. (Answer the singular form)

Name the important organ from the options given below, which is involved in creating a pressure gradient between the lungs and the atmosphere during normal respiration.