NCERT Solutions for Chapter: Neural Control and Coordination, Exercise 4: LONG ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS
NCERT Biology Solutions for Exercise - NCERT Solutions for Chapter: Neural Control and Coordination, Exercise 4: LONG ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS
Attempt the practice questions on Chapter 21: Neural Control and Coordination, Exercise 4: LONG ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS with hints and solutions to strengthen your understanding. NCERT Exemplar Biology - Class 11 solutions are prepared by Experienced Embibe Experts.
Questions from NCERT Solutions for Chapter: Neural Control and Coordination, Exercise 4: LONG ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS with Hints & Solutions
11th CBSE
Explain the process of the transport and release of a neurotransmitter with the help of a labeled diagram showing a complete neuron, axon terminal, and synapse.

11th CBSE
Name the parts of human forebrain indicating their respective functions.

11th CBSE
Explain the structure of middle and internal ear with the help of diagram.