Sourabh Monga Chemistry Solutions for Exercise - PRACTICE QUESTIONS SET
Simple step-by-step solutions to PRACTICE QUESTIONS SET questions of Carbon and Its Compounds from New Millenium Science - Chemistry Class X. Also get 3D topic explainers, cheat sheets, and unlimited doubts solving on EMBIBE.
Questions from PRACTICE QUESTIONS SET with Hints & Solutions
Identify and name the functional group present in the following compound.
Identify and name the functional group present in the following compound.
Identify and name the functional group present in the following compound. (Ketone / Ester)
Identify and name the functional group present in the following compound. (Alkene / Alkane / Alkyne)
What is the IUPAC name of acetic acid?
Write the secondary suffix used for functional group ketone. (one / ol)
What are isomers? "Isomers of the first three members of alkane series are not possible". Give reason to justify this statement and draw structures of two isomers of butane, .
You are given balls and stick model of six carbon atoms and fourteen hydrogen atoms and sufficient number of sticks. In how many ways one can join the models of six carbon atoms and fourteen hydrogen atoms to form different molecules of .