S L Arora Solutions for Chapter: Current Electricity, Exercise 6: Text Based Exercises

Author:S L Arora

S L Arora Physics Solutions for Exercise - S L Arora Solutions for Chapter: Current Electricity, Exercise 6: Text Based Exercises

Attempt the free practice questions on Chapter 3: Current Electricity, Exercise 6: Text Based Exercises with hints and solutions to strengthen your understanding. New Simplified Physics (Vol 1) For Class 12 solutions are prepared by Experienced Embibe Experts.

Questions from S L Arora Solutions for Chapter: Current Electricity, Exercise 6: Text Based Exercises with Hints & Solutions

12th CBSE

Define the term potential gradient. Using this concept, explain the method for comparison of emfs of two primary cells using a potentiometer. Establish the relation used. Write two possible causes of potentiometer giving only one-sided deflection.

12th CBSE

How will the balancing length be affected in the potentiometer circuit when the internal resistance of the driver cell increases

12th CBSE

How will the balancing length be affected in the potentiometer circuit when the series resistor connected to the driver cell is reduced ? Justify your answer.


12th CBSE

What is potentiometer?Draw a circuit diagram of a metre bridge used to determine the unknown resistance  of a given wire.

12th CBSE

What does the term 'end error' in a metre bridge circuit metre and how is it corrected ? How will be balancing point be affected, if the positions of the battery and galvanometer are inter- changed in a metre bridge experiment ? Give reason for your answer.

12th CBSE

Obtain the condition under which the current flowing, in the 'current detecting device', used in the circuit shown in the figure, becomes zero.

Question Image

12th CBSE

Describe briefly the device, based on the above condition. Draw a circuit diagram for this device and discuss, in brief, how it is used for finding an unknown resistance.