Motional EMF from Lorentz Force and Energy Consideration
Important Questions on Motional EMF from Lorentz Force and Energy Consideration
State Lenz’s law. Prove that the charge induced is independent of time.
State Lenz's law. Give one example to illustrate this law. The “Lenz’s law is a consequence of the law of conservation of energy”. Justify this statement.
Why are resistance coils double wound?
Why is the induced emf in a coil zero when its plane is normal to the magnetic field even though maximum magnetic flux is linked with the coil in this position?
If the self-inductance of an air core inductor increases from to on introducing an iron core into it, what is the relative permeability of the core used?
A plot of magnetic flux versus current is shown in FIg.6.50 for two inductors and . Which of the two has larger value of self-inductance?
A solenoid with an iron core and a bulb are connected to a d.c. source. How does the brightness of the bulb change when the iron core is removed from the solenoid?
Figure below shows a metal rod PQ resting on the smooth rails AB and positioned between the poles of a permanent magnet. The rails, the rod, and the magnetic field are in three mutually perpendicular directions. A galvanometer G connects the rails through a switch K. Length of the rod , , resistance of the closed loop containing the rod . Assume the field to be uniform.
How much power is dissipated as heat in the closed-circuit? What is the source of this power?