Odisha Board Biology Solutions for Exercise - SAMPLE QUESTIONS
Simple step-by-step solutions to SAMPLE QUESTIONS questions of Plant Morphology and Anatomy from Bureau's Higher Secondary Biology Volume-1. Also get 3D topic explainers, cheat sheets, and unlimited doubts solving on EMBIBE.
Questions from SAMPLE QUESTIONS with Hints & Solutions
Differentiate between racemose and cymose inflorescence, Give an account of cymose inflorescence.
Give a brief account of different types of simple fruits.
What are aggregate fruits? Describe different types of aggregate fruits. How is it different from composite fruits?
Compare the internal structure of a dicot stem with that of a dicot root.
Describe the anatomy of a typical monocot stem with labelled diagram. Point out the differences in the structure of vascular bundles in monocot stem and dicot stem.
Describe the internal structure of typical dorsiventral leaf.
Describe the internal structure of a monocot root.
What is secondary growth? Describe the successive stages of normal secondary growth seen in dicot stems leading to the formation of annual rings. Point out the importance of such rings.