Odisha Board Solutions for Chapter: Organic Chemistry:Some Basic Principles and Techniques, Exercise 1: QUESTIONS
Odisha Board Chemistry Solutions for Exercise - Odisha Board Solutions for Chapter: Organic Chemistry:Some Basic Principles and Techniques, Exercise 1: QUESTIONS
Attempt the practice questions on Chapter 16: Organic Chemistry:Some Basic Principles and Techniques, Exercise 1: QUESTIONS with hints and solutions to strengthen your understanding. Bureau's Higher Secondary Chemistry Volume-1 solutions are prepared by Experienced Embibe Experts.
Questions from Odisha Board Solutions for Chapter: Organic Chemistry:Some Basic Principles and Techniques, Exercise 1: QUESTIONS with Hints & Solutions
Which of the following can exhibit cis-trans isomerism?

Acetone and propen-2-ol are

A pair of optically active compounds which are not mirror images are called

Which are isomers?

The hybridisation of carbon atoms in single bond in is

Which of the following orders regarding the electronegativity of hybrid orbitals of carbon is correct?

A molecule is said to be chiral if it

Which of the following mixture would steam distillation be the most appropriate method of separation