Odisha Board Solutions for Chapter: Aldehydes and Ketones, Exercise 1: QUESTIONS
Odisha Board Chemistry Solutions for Exercise - Odisha Board Solutions for Chapter: Aldehydes and Ketones, Exercise 1: QUESTIONS
Attempt the free practice questions on Chapter 18: Aldehydes and Ketones, Exercise 1: QUESTIONS with hints and solutions to strengthen your understanding. Bureau's Higher Secondary Chemistry Volume-2 solutions are prepared by Experienced Embibe Experts.
Questions from Odisha Board Solutions for Chapter: Aldehydes and Ketones, Exercise 1: QUESTIONS with Hints & Solutions
IUPAC name of compound

Write notes on Cannizzaro's reaction:

How acetaldehyde can be prepared from the following?
(a) Acetyl chloride (b) Acetylene
How does it react with Fehling's solution? Give equations. What is formalin? How is it used?

How acetaldehyde can be prepared from the following?
(a) Acetyl chloride (b) Acetylene
How does it react with Tollens' reagent? Give equations. What is formalin? How is it used?

Give two methods for the preparation of ketones. How does acetone react with hydroxylamine?

How are ketones prepared from salts of carboxylic acids? How does acetone react with (i) ammonia (ii) barium hydroxide (iii) hydroxylamine? Explain with equation.

How are ketones prepared from acid chlorides? How does acetone react with (i) ammonia (ii) barium hydroxide (iii) hydroxylamine? Explain with equation.

Discuss briefly the structure and nature of the carbonyl group. In what respects the and bonds resemble and differ from each other.