Odisha Board Solutions for Chapter: Biomolecules, Exercise 1: QUESTIONS
Odisha Board Chemistry Solutions for Exercise - Odisha Board Solutions for Chapter: Biomolecules, Exercise 1: QUESTIONS
Attempt the free practice questions on Chapter 22: Biomolecules, Exercise 1: QUESTIONS with hints and solutions to strengthen your understanding. Bureau's Higher Secondary Chemistry Volume-2 solutions are prepared by Experienced Embibe Experts.
Questions from Odisha Board Solutions for Chapter: Biomolecules, Exercise 1: QUESTIONS with Hints & Solutions
Differentiate between globular and fibrous proteins.

Explain why glucose and fructose give the same osazone, on treatment with excess phenyl hydrazine.

What are proteins? How are they classified? Discuss their primary, secondary, and tertiary structures.

What are vitamins? Classify the vitamins along with the roles of various vitamins in our body.

How glucose is synthesized? Discuss the ring structure of D-Glucose.

What are monosaccharides? Elucidate the structure of D-Fructose.

What are hormones? How are they classified. Give one example of each along with its functions.

What are polysaccharides? Discuss the structure of starch and cellulose.