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Andhra Pradesh Board Physics Solutions for Exercise - Improve your learning
Simple step-by-step solutions to Improve your learning questions of Principles of Metallurgy from Physical Science Class 10. Also get 3D topic explainers, cheat sheets, and unlimited doubts solving on EMBIBE.
Questions from Improve your learning with Hints & Solutions
Which method do you suggest for the extraction of high reactive metals.
Suggest an experiment to prove that presence of air and water are essential for corrosion. Explain procedure.
Collect information about extraction of metals of low reactivity silver, platinum, and gold and prepare a report.
Draw the diagram showing i) Froth floatation ii) Magnetic separation.
Draw a neat diagram of the reverberatory furnace and label it neatly?
What is activity series? How it helps in extraction of metals?
What is thermite process? Mention its applications in daily life.
When do we use handpicking and washing methods in our daily life? Give examples. How do you correlate these examples with the enrichment of ore?