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Embibe Experts Physics Solutions for Exercise

Simple step-by-step solutions to Exercise questions of Alternating Current from Physics Crash Course (Based on Revised Syllabus-2023). Also get 3D topic explainers, cheat sheets, and unlimited doubts solving on EMBIBE.

Questions from Exercise with Hints & Solutions

12th Telangana Board

Can you have an AC series circuit in which there is a phase difference of (a) 180°, (b) 120° between the emf and the current? 

12th Telangana Board

Explain the meaning of ‘reactance’. Derive expression for the reactance of an inductor L connected across an AC source. Give its unit. Show that no power is dissipated in an inductor when AC passes through it.

12th Telangana Board

A coil of inductance 5.0 mH and negligible resistance is connected to the oscillator of the previous problem. Find the peak currents in the circuit for ω=100 s-1500 s-11000 s-1.

12th Telangana Board

An ac generator has emf E=Em sin ωdt-π/4, where
E=25.0 V and  ωd=270 rad/s. The current produced in a connected circuit is i(t)=I sin ωdt-3π/4, where I=620 mA . At what time after t=0 does
(a) the generator emf first reach a maximum and (b) the current first reach a maximum?
(c) The circuit contains a single element other than the generator. Is it a capacitor, an inductor, or a resistor? Justify your answer.
(d) What is the value of the capacitance, inductance, or resistance, as the case may be?

12th Telangana Board

Obtain an expression for Impedance and current in series LCR circuit. Deduce an expression for the resonating frequency of an LCR series resonating circuit.

12th Telangana Board

Derive an expression for the impudence of a series LCR circuit connected to an ac supply of variable frequency. Plot a graph showing variation of current with the frequency of the applied voltage. Explain briefly how the phenomenon of resonance in the circuit can be used in the tuning mechanism of a radio or a TV set.

12th Telangana Board

Show, with explanation, the variations of emf and current with time in AC circuits having pure resistance, pure inductance and pure capacitance.

12th Telangana Board

 An alternating emf source with a variable frequency fd is connected in series with 80.0 Ω resistor and 25.0 mH inductor. The emf amplitude is 6.00 V. (a) Draw a phasor diagram for phasor VR (the potential across the resistor) and phasor VL (the potential across the inductor). (b) At what driving frequency fd do the two phasors have the same length? At that driving frequency, what are
(c) the phase angle in degrees, (d) the angular speed at which the phasors rotate, and (e) the current amplitude?