Embibe Experts Solutions for Chapter: Gravitation, Exercise 2: Level 2

Author:Embibe Experts

Embibe Experts Physics Solutions for Exercise - Embibe Experts Solutions for Chapter: Gravitation, Exercise 2: Level 2

Attempt the practice questions on Chapter 6: Gravitation, Exercise 2: Level 2 with hints and solutions to strengthen your understanding. Physics Crash Course JEE Main solutions are prepared by Experienced Embibe Experts.

Questions from Embibe Experts Solutions for Chapter: Gravitation, Exercise 2: Level 2 with Hints & Solutions

JEE Main

3 identical point particles of mass M move in such a way that the distance between particles is d which remain constant. Only force is the gravitational force between particles. Then magnitude of relative velocity (in m s-1) of one particle with respect to other particle will be : [Take GMd=3 m s-1]

JEE Main

At what height above the earth's surface does the acceleration due to gravity fall to 1% of its value at the earth's surface?

JEE Main

A planet has a mass M1 and radius R1. The value of acceleration due to gravity on its surface is g1. There is another planet 2, whose mass and radius both are two times that of the first planet. Which one of the following is the acceleration due to gravity on the surface of planet 2?

JEE Main

Imagine a new planet having the same density as that of the earth but it is 3 times bigger than the earth in size. If the acceleration due to gravity on the surface of the earth is g and on the surface of the new planet is g', then

JEE Main

The maximum height reached by a rocket fired with a speed equal to 50% of the escape velocity from the earth's surface is,

JEE Main

Gravitational acceleration on the surface of a planet is 611 g, where g is the gravitational acceleration on the surface of the earth. The average mass density of the planet is 23 times that of the earth. If the escape speed on the surface of the earth is taken to be 11kms-1, find the escape speed on the surface of the planet in kms-1.

JEE Main

Which of the following graphs represent the time period of the planet moving around the sun? [R is semi-major axis of the path.]

JEE Main

A satellite is launched into a circular orbit of radius R around the earth. A second satellite is launched into an orbit of radius 1.02R. The period of second satellite is larger than the first one by approximately,