Tamil Nadu Board Physics Solutions for Exercise - EVALUATION
Simple step-by-step solutions to EVALUATION questions of Properties of Matter from Physics Standard 11 Vol II. Also get 3D topic explainers, cheat sheets, and unlimited doubts solving on EMBIBE.
Questions from EVALUATION with Hints & Solutions
Derive Poiseuille’s formula for the volume of a liquid flowing per second through a pipe under streamlined flow
Obtain an expression for the excess of pressure inside a liquid drop.
Obtain an expression for the excess of pressure inside a liquid bubble.
Obtain an expression for the excess of pressure inside a air bubble.
Obtain an equation of continuity for a flow of fluid on the basis of conservation of mass.
State and prove Bernoulli’s theorem for a flow of incompressible, non-viscous, and streamlined flow of fluid.
Describe the construction and working of venturimeter and obtain an equation for the volume of liquid flowing per second through a wider entry of the tube.