\nExample: Wind pollination is brought about among the flowers of the plants like Maize, Paddy, Bamboo, Cyperus, Grasses, Coconut, etc. As the pollen grains are light, powdery, they are carried easily by air currents and are caught by the papillose (hairy) or bristly stigmas. \n
Characteristic features of wind-pollinated flowers: \nFlower: Anemophilous flowers are generally smaller, never coloured, or showy, petals are inconspicuous and without nectar. No fragrant odour emitted by the flowers. The flowers are grouped in a long-stalked spikelet inflorescence and lie above the vegetative parts of the plant body so that they can come in contact with air easily. \nStamen: The stamens with long filaments remain exposed. The anthers are versatile so that they can swing easily in the air current. A large quantity of pollen grains is produced by the anthers.
Pollen grains: The pollen grains are smaller, light, smooth and dry so that they can be drifted by means of wind and are distributed over a wide range of area. \nStigma: The long style keeps the stigma outside the flower. The stigma is branched, feathery or bristly or sticky and can catch the floating pollen grains of the air easily.
\n"},"comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"Characteristic features include the role or structure of different parts of the flower for the successful completion of wind pollination."},"encodingFormat":"text/markdown","learningResourceType":"Practice problem","suggestedAnswer":[],"text":"What is anemophily? Mention the characteristic features of wind pollinated flowers."},"name":"Quiz on Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants","typicalAgeRange":"10-17","url":"https://www.embibe.com/questions/What-is-anemophily%3F-Mention-the-characteristic-features-of-wind-pollinated-flowers./EM7684431"}
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