R K Bansal Solutions for Exercise 1: EXERCISE
R K Bansal Mathematics Solutions for Exercise - R K Bansal Solutions for Exercise 1: EXERCISE
Attempt the practice questions from Exercise 1: EXERCISE with hints and solutions to strengthen your understanding. Concise Mathematics I.C.S.E - Class IX solutions are prepared by Experienced Embibe Experts.
Questions from R K Bansal Solutions for Exercise 1: EXERCISE with Hints & Solutions
Sides of a triangle are equal. is produced through up to point such that . and are joined and produced (through vertex ) up to point . If angle ; find angle .
The given figure shows an equilateral triangle with each side . Also and . If
, find .![](https://assets-cf.embibe.com/production/web-assets/assets/seo/forward.webp)
If all the three altitudes of a triangle are equal, the triangle is equilateral. Prove it.
In , the internal bisector of angle meets opposite side at point . Through vertex , line is drawn parallel to which meets produced at point . Show that is isosceles.
In triangle , bisector of angle meets opposite side at point . If , prove that is isosceles.
In is a point on BC, such that . Show that
Using the information, given in each of the following figures, find the values of .
Using the information, given in each of the following figures, find the values of a and b.