RPH Editorial Board Solutions for Chapter: English Grammar, Exercise 8: MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS
RPH Editorial Board English Solutions for Exercise - RPH Editorial Board Solutions for Chapter: English Grammar, Exercise 8: MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS
Attempt the practice questions on Chapter 2: English Grammar, Exercise 8: MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS with hints and solutions to strengthen your understanding. SSC Constable (GD) CAPFs, NIA, SSF & Rifleman (Assam Rifles) Recruitment Exam - English solutions are prepared by Experienced Embibe Experts.
Questions from RPH Editorial Board Solutions for Chapter: English Grammar, Exercise 8: MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS with Hints & Solutions
Tick the correct preposition for the blank in each of the following sentences.
I am desirous _____ joining the Indian cricket team.

Find the antonyms of the following word:

Find the antonyms of the following word:

Find the antonyms of the following word:

Find the antonyms of the following word:

Find the antonyms of the following word:

In the following questions choose the word which best expresses the opposite of the given word.

In the following question choose the word which best expresses the opposite of the given word.
Which of the given words is opposite in meaning to the word provided?