Here, sodium electrons are shown as • and chlorine electrons as ✖
The two ions have opposite charges, so they attract each other. The force of attraction between them is strong. Therefore, an ionic bond is formed between them.
\n\n"},"comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"There are seven outer electrons in a chlorine atom, and one outer electron in a sodium atom."},"encodingFormat":"text/markdown","learningResourceType":"Practice problem","suggestedAnswer":[],"text":"Draw a diagram to show what happens to the electrons, when a sodium atom reacts with a chlorine atom?"},"name":"Quiz on Atoms Combining","typicalAgeRange":"10-17","url":""}
RoseMarie Gallagher and Paul Ingram Solutions for Chapter: Atoms Combining, Exercise 4: Q
Author:RoseMarie Gallagher & Paul Ingram
RoseMarie Gallagher Chemistry Solutions for Exercise - RoseMarie Gallagher and Paul Ingram Solutions for Chapter: Atoms Combining, Exercise 4: Q
Attempt the free practice questions on Chapter 4: Atoms Combining, Exercise 4: Q with hints and solutions to strengthen your understanding. Complete Chemistry for Cambridge IGCSE® Second Edition solutions are prepared by Experienced Embibe Experts.
Questions from RoseMarie Gallagher and Paul Ingram Solutions for Chapter: Atoms Combining, Exercise 4: Q with Hints & Solutions