RoseMarie Gallagher and Paul Ingram Solutions for Chapter: Energy Changes, and Reversible Reactions, Exercise 4: Q
RoseMarie Gallagher Chemistry Solutions for Exercise - RoseMarie Gallagher and Paul Ingram Solutions for Chapter: Energy Changes, and Reversible Reactions, Exercise 4: Q
Attempt the free practice questions on Chapter 9: Energy Changes, and Reversible Reactions, Exercise 4: Q with hints and solutions to strengthen your understanding. Complete Chemistry for Cambridge IGCSE® Second Edition solutions are prepared by Experienced Embibe Experts.
Questions from RoseMarie Gallagher and Paul Ingram Solutions for Chapter: Energy Changes, and Reversible Reactions, Exercise 4: Q with Hints & Solutions
Can you get electricity from a non-redox reaction? Explain.

In a simple cell, which metal gives up electrons to produce the current: the more reactive or less reactive?

A wire connects a strip of magnesium and copper, standing in an electrolyte. Bubbles appear on the copper strip. Why?

You connect two strips of iron using wire and stand them in an electrolyte. Will a current flow? Explain your answer.

In a hydrogen fuel cell, what is the fuel? (Hydrogen and Water/ Hydrogen and Oxygen)

How are the electrons transferred in hydrogen fuel cell?

What type of electrolyte is used in the hydrogen fuel cell?