RoseMarie Gallagher and Paul Ingram Solutions for Chapter: Polymers, Exercise 3: Q
RoseMarie Gallagher Chemistry Solutions for Exercise - RoseMarie Gallagher and Paul Ingram Solutions for Chapter: Polymers, Exercise 3: Q
Attempt the free practice questions on Chapter 18: Polymers, Exercise 3: Q with hints and solutions to strengthen your understanding. Complete Chemistry for Cambridge IGCSE® Second Edition solutions are prepared by Experienced Embibe Experts.
Questions from RoseMarie Gallagher and Paul Ingram Solutions for Chapter: Polymers, Exercise 3: Q with Hints & Solutions
How many products are there, in condensation polymerisation?

In condensation polymerisation, each monomer molecule must have two functional groups. Explain why

List the differences between condensation and addition polymerisation.

Draw a diagram to show the reaction that produces nylon. (You can show the carbon chains as blocks.)

Draw a diagram to show the reaction that produces nylon and circle the amide linkage in your drawing.

Nylon is called a polyamide. Why?

Draw part of a Terylene macromolecule in a simple way, using blocks. Circle the ester linkage.