S N Jha, Geeta Negi and, Neelima Jain Solutions for Chapter: Getting to Know Plants, Exercise 5: EXERCISES

Author:S N Jha, Geeta Negi & Neelima Jain

S N Jha Science Solutions for Exercise - S N Jha, Geeta Negi and, Neelima Jain Solutions for Chapter: Getting to Know Plants, Exercise 5: EXERCISES

Attempt the free practice questions on Chapter 7: Getting to Know Plants, Exercise 5: EXERCISES with hints and solutions to strengthen your understanding. Science Success solutions are prepared by Experienced Embibe Experts.

Questions from S N Jha, Geeta Negi and, Neelima Jain Solutions for Chapter: Getting to Know Plants, Exercise 5: EXERCISES with Hints & Solutions

6th CBSE

Suman spread a layer of grease (oil) on both the surfaces of all the leaves of a plant. He then put it in the sun and watered it every day. What will he observe after a week?

6th CBSE

Sonu set up an apparatus as shown in the figure below. After keeping the apparatus for some time in the Sun, he found that some gas was collected at the top part of the test tube. Which gas could be that? 

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6th CBSE

Label the following diagram correctly:

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6th CBSE

Which of the structures of P and Q is more important for the plant to reproduce? Why?

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6th CBSE

Label the parts shown here correctly: 

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6th CBSE

Label the parts of the plant:

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6th CBSE

Classify the following plants into herbs, shrubs and trees and write them in respective places. 

Mango, Carrot, Radish, Pinus, Coconut, Coriander, Rose, Tulsi, Aloe vera, Neem, Potato, Ginger, Lemon, Apple, Orange, Babool, Papaya, Sugarcane, Mustard. 


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6th CBSE

Sneha’s father is a farmer. He grows vegetables, fruits and crops. According to him, eating of roots of some plants is good for our health.

On the basis of above information answer the following questions:

Which component of food do we get the most from such roots if eaten raw?