S P Singh Solutions for Chapter: Study of Compounds - Ammonia, Exercise 1: Intext Questions
S P Singh Chemistry Solutions for Exercise - S P Singh Solutions for Chapter: Study of Compounds - Ammonia, Exercise 1: Intext Questions
Attempt the practice questions on Chapter 9: Study of Compounds - Ammonia, Exercise 1: Intext Questions with hints and solutions to strengthen your understanding. Selina Icse Concise Chemistry For Class 10 solutions are prepared by Experienced Embibe Experts.
Questions from S P Singh Solutions for Chapter: Study of Compounds - Ammonia, Exercise 1: Intext Questions with Hints & Solutions
State the following conditions required in the Haber's process.

An element has 2 electrons in its shell. It reacts with a non-metal of atomic number 7. The compound formed reacts with warm water and produces a basic gas. Identify the elements and write the balanced chemical reactions.

Correct the following :
A reddish brown precipitate is obtained when ammonium hydroxide is added to ferrous sulphate.

Correct the following :
Liquid ammonia is a solution of .

Correct the following :
Finely divided platinum is used in Haber process.

Correct the following :
is a drying agent for .

Correct the following :
Ammonium salts, on heating, decompose to give ammonia.

Ammonia can be obtained by adding water to