Telangana Board Solutions for Exercise 1: Improve your learning
Telangana Board Science Solutions for Exercise - Telangana Board Solutions for Exercise 1: Improve your learning
Attempt the practice questions from Exercise 1: Improve your learning with hints and solutions to strengthen your understanding. Science Class - 6 solutions are prepared by Experienced Embibe Experts.
Questions from Telangana Board Solutions for Exercise 1: Improve your learning with Hints & Solutions
Draw a circuit diagram showing a cell, switch and a bulb.

A circuit is connected with a cell, bulb and a switch, but the bulb is not glowing. Write all possible reasons for this.

You have studied the story of Thomas Alva Edison. Write a note appreciating his efforts in inventing the bulb.

List the daily activities in which we use electricity.

If you put the switch on, a light will glow, a fan will rotate, an iron box heats up, etc,. All these different functions will be performed by electricity. How do you feel about the comforts given by this great invention to human beings?

Write a list of electrical appliances found in homes. Classify them as follows.
Works with cell as a source | Works with electric current as a source | Works with both cell and electric current as a source |

If the circuits are connected as shown in the following figure. Write your observation in each case.

Match the following:
Column A | Column B |
1) Cell | A) Conductor |
2) Switch | B) Source of electricity |
3) Safety pin | C) Filament |
4) Eraser | D) To close or open a circuit |
5) Glowing of bulb | E) Insulator |