Geetha Iyer Solutions for Exercise 7: EXERCISE
Geetha Iyer Science Solutions for Exercise - Geetha Iyer Solutions for Exercise 7: EXERCISE
Attempt the free practice questions from Exercise 7: EXERCISE with hints and solutions to strengthen your understanding. Science Now 7 solutions are prepared by Experienced Embibe Experts.
Questions from Geetha Iyer Solutions for Exercise 7: EXERCISE with Hints & Solutions
The teeth that stay for the whole life are called the milk teeth.

Saliva helps in the breakdown of starch into simple proteins.

The process of digestion in human beings starts in the stomach.

The wall of the stomach is protected from hydrochloric acid by the mucous secretion.

The waste matter from the large intestine is stored in anus which is later removed from the body.

Name the organ that helps in nutrition in Hydra. (Buds/Tentacles)

Where is the saliva produced?

Label the following diagram.