

NCERT Science Solutions for Exercise

Simple step-by-step solutions to Exercise questions of Matter in Our Surroundings from Science Textbook of Competency Based Questions for Class IX. Also get 3D topic explainers, cheat sheets, and unlimited doubts solving on EMBIBE.

Questions from Exercise with Hints & Solutions

9th CBSE

The picture shows the arrangement of particles in three different substances.

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Which of the following is true about the state of the three substances?

S.No. Substance 1 Substance 2 Substance 3
1. Solid Liquid Gas
2. Gas Liquid Solid
3. Liquid Gas Solid
4. Gas Solid Liquid


9th CBSE

The picture shows the arrangement of particles in three different substances.

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What can be done to make the particles of Substance 1 move slower?

9th CBSE

Two students X and Y have to do their experiment on plotting the temperature-time graph for a hot body as it cools to room temperature. They do their experiments in the same lab, using completely identical apparatus, take equal amounts of tap water heated up to the same temperature, start their observations simultaneously and note the temperature values at identically spaced intervals of time. Their temperature-time graphs, plotted on a given graph paper, with the same given choices of scales along the axis, are however, as shown: The following could be the reason for this difference:

(A) Use of an overhead fan by student X.
(B) Use of an overhead fan by student Y.
(C) Less frequent stirring of water by student X.
(D) Less frequent stirring of water by student Y.
The most likely reason is:

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9th CBSE

The graph given below represents the interconversion of ice to water vapour. Identify the point in the curve which indicates the boiling point of water.

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9th CBSE

Aqueous lead (II) nitrate and aqueous potassium iodide are added to a dish containing water as shown.

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A yellow precipitate forms after a few minutes.

Which process occurs before the precipitate forms?

9th CBSE

A student sets up an apparatus to determine the melting point of ice. He takes a beaker half filled with crushed ice and dips a mercury thermometer with an initial reading of room temperature 25°C in such a way that the bulb of the thermometer is surrounded by ice. The correct observation obtained by the student is that:

9th CBSE

When two substances A and B of same mass are heated under similar conditions, number of free surfaces has been found to reduce to zero from one. If A maintains constancy in the temperature for a longer time than B during heating, then

9th CBSE

Dimethyl ether decomposes as:


When CH3OCH3 decomposes to 20% extent to a certain fixed conditions, what is the ratio of rate of diffusion of pure CH3OCH3 with methane.