S P Singh Solutions for Chapter: Organic Chemistry, Exercise 1: Intext Questions
S P Singh Chemistry Solutions for Exercise - S P Singh Solutions for Chapter: Organic Chemistry, Exercise 1: Intext Questions
Attempt the practice questions on Chapter 12: Organic Chemistry, Exercise 1: Intext Questions with hints and solutions to strengthen your understanding. Selina Icse Concise Chemistry For Class 10 solutions are prepared by Experienced Embibe Experts.
Questions from S P Singh Solutions for Chapter: Organic Chemistry, Exercise 1: Intext Questions with Hints & Solutions
Write the :
(a) molecular formula,
(b) electron dot formula and
(c) structural formula of methane and ethane.

Write : (a) molecular formula, (b) electron dot formula and (c) structural formula of ethene (ethylene).

Give the trivial (common) name and the IUPAC name of .

Ethanol can be converted into ethene which can be changed into ethane. Choose the correct word or phrase from the bracket to complete the following sentence:
The conversion of ethanol into ethene is an example of _____ (dehydration, dehydrogenation).

Ethanol can be converted into ethene which can be changed into ethane. Choose the correct word or phrase from the bracket to complete the following sentence:
Converting ethanol into ethene requires the use of _____ .

Ethanol can be converted into ethene which can be changed into ethane. Choose the correct word or phrase from the bracket to complete the following sentence:
The conversion of ethene into ethane is an example of _____ (hydration, hydrogenation).

Ethanol can be converted into ethene which can be changed into ethane. Choose the correct word or phrase from the bracket to complete the following sentence:
The catalyst used in the conversion of ethene into ethane is commonly _____ (iron, nickel, cobalt).

The organic acid present in vinegar is _____ (propanoic acid / ethanoic acid).