I L Wanchoo Social Science Solutions for Exercise - TIME TO LEARN
Simple step-by-step solutions to TIME TO LEARN questions of The Judicial System from Social Science Success Book 8. Also get 3D topic explainers, cheat sheets, and unlimited doubts solving on EMBIBE.
Questions from TIME TO LEARN with Hints & Solutions
The power of the court to declare any legislative enactment invalid is expressly provided by the Constitution under
Which court is considered the guardian of the Constitution with the right to decide whether various matters are part of the basic structure of the Constitution?
When was the Supreme Court established?
As a consequence of the Indian High Courts Act, , High Courts were established in which of the following cities?
What is a PIL?
Which of the following statements about Civil Law is NOT correct?
How does the Constitution ensure the independence of the judiciary?
The structure of the courts in India resembles a pyramid. Discuss it.