Ordinary Thinking
Subject Experts Biology Solutions for Exercise - Ordinary Thinking
Simple step-by-step solutions to Ordinary Thinking questions of Respiration in Plants from ERRORLESS BIOLOGY VOLUME 1. Also get 3D topic explainers, cheat sheets, and unlimited doubts solving on EMBIBE.
Questions from Ordinary Thinking with Hints & Solutions
The graph shows the relation between light intensity and the giving off and taking up of carbon dioxide by the leaves of a plant. Why is most carbon dioxide given off when the light intensity is zero units
The potato growing in hilly areas is bigger in size due to
Concentration has which relation with respiration
In presence of cyanide, azide and carbon monoxide, the rate of respiration
Which of the following option is correct for the given statements, X,' Y, and' Z
Statement X-R.Q. of fat-containing palmitic acid is less than one, whereas R.Q. of glucose is 1
Statement Y - Fat containing palmitic acid needs less O2 for respiration and glucose needs more oxygen for respiration
Statement Z - Fat containing palmitic acid has much less oxygen in its constitution as compared to glucose
The value of oxalic acid is
In germinating castor seeds, the is
A mixture containing equal quantity of germinating maize and groundnut seeds are taken. The of this mixture would be
(respiratory quotient) is defined as