Subject Experts Solutions for Chapter: Electric Current and Its Effects, Exercise 3: HOTS AND VALUE BASED QUESTIONS

Author:Subject Experts

Subject Experts Science Solutions for Exercise - Subject Experts Solutions for Chapter: Electric Current and Its Effects, Exercise 3: HOTS AND VALUE BASED QUESTIONS

Attempt the practice questions on Chapter 14: Electric Current and Its Effects, Exercise 3: HOTS AND VALUE BASED QUESTIONS with hints and solutions to strengthen your understanding. Exam Guru Science solutions are prepared by Experienced Embibe Experts.

Questions from Subject Experts Solutions for Chapter: Electric Current and Its Effects, Exercise 3: HOTS AND VALUE BASED QUESTIONS with Hints & Solutions

7th CBSE

What source of electricity would you select to supply power for artificial satellites.

7th CBSE

Explain series connection with the help of a neatly labelled circuit diagram.

7th CBSE

Explain parallel connection with the help of a neatly labelled circuit diagram.

7th CBSE

Can you use a copper wire to make the filament of an electric bulb. Justify?

7th CBSE

Why does an open electric circuit not make any appliance work? 

7th CBSE

Which materials produce heat energy when current is passed through them and why? 

7th CBSE

Ram and Neeraj are alone at home. Ram is watching TV while Neeraj is playing with his toy. The battery in his toy gets discharged. He decides to change it and connects the plug to the same socket to which the TV is connected. The table fan in their room is also connected to that socket. Suddenly, after a few seconds, Ram sees a heavy spark near the socket. He immediately puts off the main switch and calls his neighbours for help. What do you think is the reason for heavy spark in the socket?

7th CBSE

Ram and Neeraj are alone at home. Ram is watching TV while Neeraj is playing with his toy. The battery in his toy gets discharged. He decides to change it and connects the plug to the same socket to which the TV is connected. The table fan in their room is also connected to that socket. Suddenly, after a few seconds, Ram sees a heavy spark near the socket. He immediately puts off the main switch and calls his neighbours for help.

(b) What do you learn from Ram’s behavior?