Subject Experts Solutions for Chapter: Heat, Exercise 3: HOTS AND VALUE BASED QUESTIONS

Author:Subject Experts

Subject Experts Science Solutions for Exercise - Subject Experts Solutions for Chapter: Heat, Exercise 3: HOTS AND VALUE BASED QUESTIONS

Attempt the practice questions on Chapter 4: Heat, Exercise 3: HOTS AND VALUE BASED QUESTIONS with hints and solutions to strengthen your understanding. Exam Guru Science solutions are prepared by Experienced Embibe Experts.

Questions from Subject Experts Solutions for Chapter: Heat, Exercise 3: HOTS AND VALUE BASED QUESTIONS with Hints & Solutions

7th CBSE

How do two or more thin blankets help to keep off cold away as compared to one thick blanket?

7th CBSE

Two metal balls A and B (of same size and weight) at temperature of 50 °C and 40 °C respectively are kept in contact. In which direction will heat flow? How and why?

7th CBSE

Ventilators are made in the upper part of the rooms. Why?

7th CBSE

Why do birds puff up their feathers in winters?

7th CBSE

On a biting cold winter day, two friends Rahul and Varun were coming back from playing in the evenings. They saw an old man shivering with cold on a pavement. They collected twigs and papers and lit a fire. The old man felt better.
What values do you notice in Rahul and Varun?

7th CBSE

On a biting cold winter day, two friends Rahul and Varun were coming back from playing in the evenings. They saw an old man shivering with cold on a pavement. They collected twigs and papers and lit a fire. The old man felt better.

What made the old man better?

7th CBSE

On a biting cold winter day, two friends Rahul and Varun were coming back from playing in the evenings. They saw an old man shivering with cold on a pavement. They collected twigs and papers and lit a fire. The old man felt better.

What are the different modes of transfer of heat and through which mode they made the old man receive heat?

7th CBSE

Nitika’s neighbour Mrs. Sharma is an old lady and lives alone. She doesn’t keep well. Nitika takes some hot vegetable soup in a thermo-flask for her.
(a) Why does Nitika use a thermo-flask?
(b) What values does Nitika have?