Subject Experts Solutions for Chapter: Reproduction in Plants, Exercise 3: HOTS AND VALUE BASED QUESTIONS
Subject Experts Science Solutions for Exercise - Subject Experts Solutions for Chapter: Reproduction in Plants, Exercise 3: HOTS AND VALUE BASED QUESTIONS
Attempt the practice questions on Chapter 12: Reproduction in Plants, Exercise 3: HOTS AND VALUE BASED QUESTIONS with hints and solutions to strengthen your understanding. Exam Guru Science solutions are prepared by Experienced Embibe Experts.
Questions from Subject Experts Solutions for Chapter: Reproduction in Plants, Exercise 3: HOTS AND VALUE BASED QUESTIONS with Hints & Solutions
When a bread is kept outside for a few days during rainy season, a white cottony growth is observed on them. What is this growth called?
When a bread is kept outside for a few days during rainy season, a white cottony growth is observed on them. How does it occur?
Why are flowers brightly coloured and scented?
Is self-pollination possible in papaya plant? Why/ why not?
‘A’ practices vegetative propagation for growing ROSE.
What are the advantages of this technique?
‘A’ practices vegetative propagation for growing ROSE.
List two values depicted by ‘A’.