Subject Experts Biology Solutions for Exercise - SELF-ASSESSMENT TEST
Simple step-by-step solutions to SELF-ASSESSMENT TEST questions of Evolution from Xam Idea Biology. Also get 3D topic explainers, cheat sheets, and unlimited doubts solving on EMBIBE.
Questions from SELF-ASSESSMENT TEST with Hints & Solutions
What is the significance of Archoeopteryx in the study of organic evolution?
DDT was known to be a highly effective insecticide in the past. Why did it not wipe out all the mosquito population?
How do Darwin and de Vries differ in their views on the mechanism of evolution of life on earth?
Explain convergent and divergent evolution with the help of one example of each.
What are fossils? Mention any two ways in which the study of fossils supports biological evolution of an organism.
How did natural selection play a role with light and dark coloured moth in England?
Describe Miller and Urey’s experiment, along with the product obtained. What is the significance of this experiment?
What does the following equation represent? Explain.
p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1