Sunil Batra Solutions for Chapter: Electricity, Exercise 1: Practice Exercise 1A
Sunil Batra Physics Solutions for Exercise - Sunil Batra Solutions for Chapter: Electricity, Exercise 1: Practice Exercise 1A
Attempt the free practice questions on Chapter 1: Electricity, Exercise 1: Practice Exercise 1A with hints and solutions to strengthen your understanding. Modern's ABC+ Of Science Physics solutions are prepared by Experienced Embibe Experts.
Questions from Sunil Batra Solutions for Chapter: Electricity, Exercise 1: Practice Exercise 1A with Hints & Solutions
ampere of current is flowing through a wire. What is the amount of charge passing through it in minute? Also find the number of electrons passed through a cross-section of wire in this time.

Find the electric potential of a point ifof work is done in bringing a charge of from infinity to that point.

Find the potential difference between two points if of work is done in moving a charge of from one point to another.

How many electrons should be removed from a conductor so that it acquires a positive charge of ?

An electric bulb draws a current of for minutes. Calculate the amount of electric charge that flows through the circuit.

Draw the following electric symbol:
Plug Key (closed

Draw the electric symbol of variable resistance.

Draw the following electric symbol:
Electric bulb