Sunil Batra Solutions for Chapter: Reflection and Refraction, Exercise 3: Practice Exercise 4C
Sunil Batra Physics Solutions for Exercise - Sunil Batra Solutions for Chapter: Reflection and Refraction, Exercise 3: Practice Exercise 4C
Attempt the free practice questions on Chapter 4: Reflection and Refraction, Exercise 3: Practice Exercise 4C with hints and solutions to strengthen your understanding. Modern's ABC+ Of Science Physics solutions are prepared by Experienced Embibe Experts.
Questions from Sunil Batra Solutions for Chapter: Reflection and Refraction, Exercise 3: Practice Exercise 4C with Hints & Solutions
What are the laws of refraction?

If the refractive index of glass for light going from air to glass is , find the refractive index of air for light from glass to air.

What is the speed of light in a transparent medium which has a refractive index of . (The speed of light in vacuum is ).

The refractive index of medium with respect to medium is . Find .

The refractive index of medium is and that of is . Find . (Answer upto one decimal point)

Monochromatic light of wavelength is incident from air to glass. What is the wavelength of light in glass? The refractive index of glass is .

If the angle of incidence for a ray of light moving from air to glass is and the angle of refraction in glass is , find the refractive index of glass.

A ray of light moves from air into a glass slab. The refractive index of glass slab is . What is the speed of light (in ) in glass?