Tamil Nadu Board Science Solutions for Exercise - Evaluation
Simple step-by-step solutions to Evaluation questions of Atomic Structure from Tamil Nadu Board Class 7 Science Term 1. Also get 3D topic explainers, cheat sheets, and unlimited doubts solving on EMBIBE.
Questions from Evaluation with Hints & Solutions
The subatomic particle revolving around the nucleus is:
_______ is positively charged.
The atomic number of an atom is _____
Nucleons consists of___________.
What are nucleons? Why are they called so? Write the properties of the nucleons.
Define valency. What is the valency of the element with atomic number ? What is the compound by the element with hydrogen?
An atom of an element has no electron, will that atom have any mass or not? Can an atom exist without electron? If so then give example.
Find what is common salt. Name the elements present in it. Write the formula of the common salt. What are the atomic number and mass number of elements? Write the ions in the compound?