Telangana Board Solutions for Exercise 7: Improve your learning
Telangana Board Science Solutions for Exercise - Telangana Board Solutions for Exercise 7: Improve your learning
Attempt the free practice questions from Exercise 7: Improve your learning with hints and solutions to strengthen your understanding. Science Class - 6 solutions are prepared by Experienced Embibe Experts.
Questions from Telangana Board Solutions for Exercise 7: Improve your learning with Hints & Solutions
Let us assume that a tomato, brinjal, potato, iron nail, sponge, wood, stone, leaf, piece of chalk, and paper are given to you. Predict which of the following objects will sink and which of them will float on water.
Prediction | Object |
Sinks | |
Floats |

Do the following activity. Write down your observations. What do you conclude?
Mix chalk powder in water.

Do the following activity. Write down your observations. What do you conclude?
Place a piece of candle in water.

Do the following activity. Write down your observations. What do you conclude?
Add some oil drops to a beaker of water.

Make a list of items from your kitchen like utensils, food ingredients, etc. Classify them as follows:
Item | Sink/Float in water | Soluble/Insoluble in water |

Give examples of different objects made up of wood which we use in our daily life.

We know that a ship, even though it is made up of tonnes of iron, floats on water. How do you feel about the scientists who found the scientific principles and efforts in making a ship?

We use so many wooden items in our daily life. Is it good to use wood? What happens by excessive use of it? What is the reason? Is there any alternative for this?