Telangana Board Solutions for Exercise 1: Improve your learning
Telangana Board Science Solutions for Exercise - Telangana Board Solutions for Exercise 1: Improve your learning
Attempt the practice questions from Exercise 1: Improve your learning with hints and solutions to strengthen your understanding. Science Class - 6 solutions are prepared by Experienced Embibe Experts.
Questions from Telangana Board Solutions for Exercise 1: Improve your learning with Hints & Solutions
Observe and locate North and South poles for the second bar magnet shown in the figure given below.

Prepare a toy using magnets and write the procedure of preparation briefly.

Think and write where the poles will be located in a ring magnet? Use a bar magnet to find out its poles and compare with your predictions.

Magnetise a needle using a bar magnet. Make a compass using the magnetised needle.

Sometimes people use magnets to keep the doors open and sometimes to close the doors firmly. Think and write how is it possible and how should the magnets be arranged in each case.

Does the Earth behave like a magnet? How do you prove it?

If you have two similar bars, one a magnet and another a piece of iron, can you find out which one of these is a magnet? Explain the process.

Kiran wants to prepare a toy using some magnets to make people understand the slogan “Reject bad food and accept only good food”. Can we help him prepare the toy? If yes, how?