Umakant Kondapure, Collin Fernandes, Nipun Bhatia, Vikram Bathula and, Ketki Deshpande Solutions for Chapter: Refraction of Light, Exercise 1: Classical Thinking
Umakant Kondapure Physics Solutions for Exercise - Umakant Kondapure, Collin Fernandes, Nipun Bhatia, Vikram Bathula and, Ketki Deshpande Solutions for Chapter: Refraction of Light, Exercise 1: Classical Thinking
Attempt the practice questions on Chapter 5: Refraction of Light, Exercise 1: Classical Thinking with hints and solutions to strengthen your understanding. MHT-CET TRIUMPH Physics Multiple Choice Questions Part - 1 Based on Std. XI & XII Syllabus of MHT-CET solutions are prepared by Experienced Embibe Experts.
Questions from Umakant Kondapure, Collin Fernandes, Nipun Bhatia, Vikram Bathula and, Ketki Deshpande Solutions for Chapter: Refraction of Light, Exercise 1: Classical Thinking with Hints & Solutions
The net angular dispersion without deviation is equal to,

The arrangement of dispersion without deviation is used in,

In optical instruments to minimise the effect of dispersion and obtain clear and well-defined images,

A thin prism with refracting angle and made from glass of refractive index is combined with another prism made from glass of refractive index with vertex opposite to to produce dispersion without deviation. The angle of prism is,

The complete circle of rainbow can be seen when,

To observe any rainbow the altitude of the sun or the angle made by the sun with the horizontal should be,

The primary rainbow is due to ________ total internal reflection inside droplet and two refractions.

Angular width of primary rainbow is,