V.K. Sally Solutions for Chapter: Human Eye and Colourful World, Exercise 3: EXERCISE - 2B
V.K. Sally Physics Solutions for Exercise - V.K. Sally Solutions for Chapter: Human Eye and Colourful World, Exercise 3: EXERCISE - 2B
Attempt the free practice questions on Chapter 2: Human Eye and Colourful World, Exercise 3: EXERCISE - 2B with hints and solutions to strengthen your understanding. Core Science Physics solutions are prepared by Experienced Embibe Experts.
Questions from V.K. Sally Solutions for Chapter: Human Eye and Colourful World, Exercise 3: EXERCISE - 2B with Hints & Solutions
Draw a neat diagram to show the refraction of light through an equilateral glass prism. On the diagram clearly show angle of refraction.

Draw a neat diagram to show the refraction of light through an equilateral glass prism. On the diagram clearly show angle of emergence.

Draw a neat diagram to show the refraction of light through an equilateral glass prism. On the diagram clearly show angle of deviation.

Draw a neat diagram to show the refraction of light through an equilateral glass prism. On the diagram clearly show the angle of prism.

Which spectral colour is on outer arc of a rainbow? (Choose from Blue, violet, Red)

Which spectral colour is on the innermost arc of a rainbow? (Violet/Red/Yellow)

A glass prism is able to produce a spectrum when white light passes through it, but a glass slab does not produce any spectrum. Explain, why it is so?

Explain how the ray of white light is dispersed. Why does this take place? Which colour deviates more? Why?