Vaishali Gupta, Supriya D. Seshadri and, Shalini Bajaj Solutions for Exercise 5: LET'S APPLY
Author:Vaishali Gupta, Supriya D. Seshadri & Shalini Bajaj
Vaishali Gupta Science Solutions for Exercise - Vaishali Gupta, Supriya D. Seshadri and, Shalini Bajaj Solutions for Exercise 5: LET'S APPLY
Attempt the practice questions from Exercise 5: LET'S APPLY with hints and solutions to strengthen your understanding. OXFORD New Science In Everyday Life 8 solutions are prepared by Experienced Embibe Experts.
Questions from Vaishali Gupta, Supriya D. Seshadri and, Shalini Bajaj Solutions for Exercise 5: LET'S APPLY with Hints & Solutions
8th CBSE
Anwar’s car has broken down and he is caught in a thunderstorm. He sees a tree some distance away from the car. Would he be safer if he (a) stands under the tree or (b) stays inside the car?
8th CBSE
Earthquake A has a magnitude of while earthquake B has a magnitude of on the Richter scale. These happen in two different places. Which of these earthquakes will cause more damage to human beings and property?