A tangram is a puzzle made up of seven shapes that can be arranged to form many different designs.

Important Questions on Shapes and Designs
Arrange the tangram pieces(by using maths kit)

Observe the pieces used in the following shape and name their numbers.

Here is the picture of a five-piece tangram.
Use pieces and to make some very interesting shapes.

Number the pieces in each of these figures according to the numbering in the tangram puzzle.

Number the pieces in each of these figures according to the numbering in the tangram puzzle.

Construct different shapes using the pieces and .

Identify the tangram pieces used in the given images by colouring and numbering the pieces as in the reference figure.
A tangram house

Use the two small triangles in the tangram set to get the following shapes:

Number the pieces in each of these figures according to the numbering in the tangram puzzle.

Here is the picture of a five-piece tangram.
Use pieces and to make some very interesting shapes.

How many triangles are there in a five piece tangram set? Are they equal in size?

Number the pieces in each of these figures according to the numbering in the tangram puzzle.

A tangram is made of seven geometrical pieces.

Arrange the tangram pieces(by using maths kit)

Make any interesting shape using the given five-piece tangram.

Take pieces and from the set and find out on which side of the triangle you can join the other piece.

Here is the picture of a five-piece tangram.
Cut out pieces and and put them together in different ways to make some very interesting shapes.

Find the sum of numbers written on the identical pieces.

Number the pieces in each of these figures according to the numbering in the tangram puzzle.