A rupees note can be exchanged for rupee notes.

Important Questions on Rupees and Paise
Look at the price list. What is the amount that you will have to pay, if you buy the following? One has been done for you.
One bat and one ball _____

Add the following amounts and write the answer.

Look at the price list. What is the amount that you will have to pay, if you buy the below objects?
One sharpener and one pencil _____

Look at the price list. What is the amount that you will have to pay, if you buy the below objects?
A cap and a bicycle _____

Add the following amounts and write the answer.

Khushboo bought a shirt for and trousers for .
She spent _____ altogether.

Add the following amounts and write the answer.

Look at the price list. What is the amount that you will have to pay, if you buy the below objects?
Two toothbrushes _____

Anya has the following notes and coins. Add them.
Total is _____

Add the following amounts and write the answer.

Look at the price list. What is the amount that you will have to pay if you buy the following?
One apple and two bananas _____

Add the following amounts and write the answer.

The value of two _____ notes The value of one note.

Look at the price list. What is the amount that you will have to pay, if you buy the following?
Two Pens _____