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A Thermistor has low resistance.

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Important Questions on Semiconductors

A thermocouple produces a thermo-e.m.f. of 40μV/C. A thermopile is made by using 150 such thermocouples. The temperatures of the two junctions are 20°C and 40°C. How much thermo-emf will be generated in the thermopile?

a) Draw the circuit symbol for a thermistor.

b) Give one use for a thermistor.

c) Explain why a thermistor is suitable for this use.


Thermistor has a resistance of ________


A student connects a circuit with an NTC thermistor, a filament lamp and a battery in series. The lamp glows dimly. The student warms the thermistor with a hair dryer. What change will the student notice in the brightness of the lamp? Explain your answer


What are thermistors? Explain their use in brief.

The graph in Figure was obtained by measuring the resistance R of a particular thermistor as its temperature changed.

Determine its resistance at: 20°C

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. Thermistors are suited for precision temperature measurements.
What is Thomson effect?

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The graph in Figure was obtained by measuring the resistance R of a particular thermistor as its temperature e changed Determine the temperature when its resistance is: 5000Ω.


The resistance of a metal wire changes with temperature. This means that a wire could be used to sense changes in temperature, in the same way that a thermistor is used 

 Suggest one advantage a thermistor has over a metal wire for this purpose.


Design a circuit using the thermistor in Figure that uses a cell of 10 V and produces an output voltage of 5 V at 50°C. Explain whether the voltage output of your circuit increases or decreases as the temperature rises.

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Variation of resistance with temperature.


This is a circuit.

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Which line in the table shows the changes to the lamp and the voltmeter reading when the temperature rises?

Lamp Voltmeter reading
gets brighter decreases
gets brighter increases
gets dimmer decreases
gets dimmer increases



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The graph in Figure was obtained by measuring the resistance R of a particular thermistor as its temperature e changed. Determine its resistance at: 45°C.


Consider the statement A and B of question 50. Thomson effect is caused

A student connects a NTC thermistor to a battery and an ammeter. He places the thermistor in a beaker of water and gradually heats the water from 10 oc to its boiling point, recording the value of the current as he does so. He then plots a graph of the current in the thermistor against the temperature of the water Explain how the student could now use the thermistor as a thermometer. 

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The resistance of a metal wire changes with temperature. This means that a wire could be used to sense changes in temperature, in the same way that a thermistor is used.

Suggest one advantage a metal wire has over a thermistor.



Represent the union of two sets by Venn diagram for each of the following.

X={x | x is a prime number between 80 and 100}

Y={y | y is an odd number between 90 and 100}

State and explain Joule's laws of heating effect of current. Deduce them on energy consideration. 

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The graph in Figure was obtained by measuring the resistance R of a particular thermistor as its temperature e changed. Determine the temperature when its resistance is:2000Ω.