A is used to lift and carry heavy objects like vehicles from the ground.
Important Questions on Force and Machine
Fill in the blank with a suitable word from the bracket.
Simple machines are _____ (engines/tools) that make our work easier.
Choose a suitable word from the bracket and fill in the blank.
Most simple machines make use of _____(frictional/muscular) force.
Fill in the blank space using the right word.
Levers, pulley, etc., are examples of _____ machines.
Choose the right word and fill in the blank:
_____ (machines/tools) help us to move things.
Choose the right word from the given options:
Simple machines are of _____ (two, six) types.
Choose the appropriate option from the following:
(one, three, six, ten)
There are _____ types of simple machines.
_____ makes our work easier.(second class lever/effort/machine)
Choose the right word and fill in the blank provided below.
_____ is used to grind grains to make flour. (Grindstone, wind)
Fill in the blank with the words given in the bracket.
(Wheel, force, inclined, easy, screw)
A _____ becomes a machine when it is combined with an axle.
Choose the correct word from the bracket and fill in the blank.
Levers and pulleys are examples of _____ (simple/ complex) machines.
Complete the analogy.
Seesaw: _____ :: Ramp : Inclined plane
Fill in the blank with an appropriate word:
A _____ (simple/compound) machine has very few parts in it.